Yoga for Parties
How about holding a yoga ‘party’ with a group of friends before you hit the town or perhaps you want some family bonding time which involves you all being in the same room! Yoga for children in your own home or perhaps a venue of your choice, is also another great way to have a celebration. Perhaps you’re all theme parked out or indoor played out.
Kids yoga, moving around in a fun way to music and playing party games before the main event of blowing out the candles and cutting the cake is a lovely alternative way to expend energy and bring a smile to those little faces.
Perhaps you and your friends would like a yoga session before your own celebrations begin. Knowing you have focused solely on your mental and physical health prior to partying preps your body and makes for a guilt free splurge all the more sweeter.
Of course, I am always on hand for yoga post-celebration, where you might need to put the love back into your body (just a bit more quietly)!
I provide the mats and poses you provide the bunting and balloons! 0-12 guests at the location of your choice.