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Consciousness based spiritual-led functioning

beyond the woo-woo

Cardamom Coaching offers a unique and distinct approach to your health and well-being.
An approach to living you will not have experienced before.
Infusing ancient wisdom into modern life.
So that you attain optimal happiness, peace and vitality.

Informed by Vedic wisdom, neuroscience, quantum biology, positive coaching psychology and cutting-edge medical research 
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b. 1968. Vata Dosha, Monkey

Holistic Health & Well-Being Life Coach

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant

Yoga Teacher
Social Anthropologist

Soul searching can be challenging.


I adopt a light hearted approach to what may be unfamiliar territory, explaining new concepts and inviting questions. 


So that ultimately self-reflection, creativity, self-efficacy and  personal development can occur. 



At Cardamom Coaching my approach to your well-being is holistic in nature and different as it has spirituality at it's core. However, I'm not taking you into the depths of organised religion, nor into a cult or weird stuff that makes no sense.   
Drawing upon the ancient sister sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga, you will learn to keep balanced and in optimal health.
You may reflect on some of life's bigger existential questions enabling you to find answers that are aligned with your values and beliefs.  
You will learn to tap into your inner wisdom and intuition to find your true meaning and purpose.
As I tend to the mind, body and spirit to facilitate health and healing.  A key component of my work involves somatic practices to move you out of your head and into the body so that you can release whatever it is that's holding you back to help you live an energised, authentic and fulfilled life.
Book a Free Discovery Call

What is Ayurveda?

'the science of life'

Ayurveda 'ay-yur-vay-duh' is an ancient holistic health system from India.

It focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit through personalised lifestyle, diet and natural remedies.

Its benefits include improved digestion, enhanced energy, better sleep, reduced stress, balanced emotions, and overall physical and mental well-being by aligning with your body's natural rhythms and unique constitution.


'you cannot solve a problem with the same mind

that created it'

Albert Einstein

and ......

'true solutions come from transcending the ordinary mind

and accessing a higher state of wisdom or intuition'

​The Vedas

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