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Chopra Certified Life Coach


Chopra Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant


Yoga Teacher 500RYT 


Yoga Alliance Professional (UK)


Yoga Ed Educator (US Yoga Alliance) 


Social Anthropologist 

Ethnography of South Asia

(BA Hons)


Anthropology & Cultural Politics (MA)

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A photograph of Gina Clements with short hair
I grew up in 1970's Britain, wore pale blue NHS specs and rode around on a sunbeam yellow Chipper - at a time when the sun always seemed to be shining. Ayurvedic practices were woven into my childhood.  I did neti cleansing and abhyanga and we routinely cooked with spices.  There were other things that appeared to come from another land (concepts of the Self and health and healing for example) but I didn't really realise this until much later in life. 

I have always been fascinated in other cultures and being of mixed heritage (French, English, Portugese and Indian) my path unfolded onto this anthropological /spiritual journey, bound up in a search for identity and belonging and it is in this space I find myself at home.
When I started yoga I discovered that the prevailing representation of this discipline is that of slim, bendy, lycra-clad young women positioned in elaborate poses. However, this depiction tells only part of a 5000+ year story.  Yoga is, actually a science of the mind, open to everyone and what you learn on the mat is for you to take off the mat into life.  It's sister science, Ayurveda is even less well known, let alone know what a wonderful practice it is - furthermore it is frequently seen as being a bit 'out there'.
In my life coaching I blend these ancient wisdoms with modern coaching psychologies and Western science - and there is much research and evidence to support their efficacy. 


Being an anthropologist, I am fascinated by people and to what makes us tick. I'm not just interested in the bright bubbly side but also look to those darker moments which, once illuminated, help us to connect with each other. When creating bespoke life coaching, yoga or ayurvedic programmes I therefore delve a little to find out a bit about you and your lifestyle.
Understanding your personality and preferences or dislikes helps me to plan a session with you in mind.  Additionally, the more of a connection you can make between your own mind, body and spirit, the greater enjoyment and progress you can make along your path, I am here just to guide you. So, whether it be working towards less stress, restful sleep, improved nutrition, or learning how to get your needs met by improving your emotional well-being - my life coaching services can help.  If you want to improve flexibility, mobility and strength, focusing  on your tight hamstrings or shoulders, or generally learning how to move your body effectively by taking the body through all planes of movement, through backbending, twisting, side stretching, forward folds and inversions, maybe it's yoga you are after. Maybe you wish to learn how to meditate and breathe effectively and efficiently to trigger the parasympathetic response of the central nervous system (the rest and digest mode) rather than living in in a heightened realms of fight, flight or freeze - whatever it is or a combination of a few things, we can work together to find out what you need and I will do my very best to help you in your journey.
Kindest wishes Gina  
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